Faith Hope And Love Jesus, Inc.
P.O. Box 2493
Woodstock, GA 30188
ph: 678-994-2839 'office on the go'
alt: 678-778-0207
Hey Gang,
We wanted a special spot where we could come and share updates about what's going on. To personalize it, we decided to do live recordings. Currently, we don't have a set schedule of when we will post the updates, so please check in regularly. Many blessings!
Our Website Challenge to make a meaningful $5 donation was a hit. We raised $1,350 for our programs - a huge THANK YOU!! to all. This month's picture is for our partner Be The Match, who has a fundraiser coming in April. Check it out at and Be A Bone Marrow Donor Today!
A visit with my bald-headed babies at Joe DiMaggio and Nicklaus Children's hospital for our annual Christmas Life Celebrations was a huge success!! Thank you to our partners and volunteers for making this happen. Barnes & Noble was also a blast with great volunteers and donors. Merry Christmas and Many blessings!! 2016 here we come!!!
As I write the latest New Year edition for the director’s corner. I am reminded of Myjoey and how much I miss him, which goes without saying. But more than that – I wish that he were here to be a part of the synergy within the legacy he established. I know that he would be pleased that we ARE reaching the Marshas and Joeys and making the tangible, positive impact he always envisioned. I also know how this would have helped him with his own journey as it has for me.
I am very thankful to my heavenly Father for calling me to be a comfort and support to others who are a member of a club no one wants to be a part of but, whose membership you cannot rescind. So, I joyfully continue to do my part and indulge in this role by His grace to serve the children with blood disorders and cancer until there is a cure.
Finally, I can’t start or finish anything without my beautiful, generous, kind, compassionate, considerate, giving, loyal, and committed volunteers that are our heart and soul – Thank you. I am humbled by your altruism and that you chose to share it through Faith Hope and Love Jesus, Inc. and its mission to support the children with blood disorders and cancer. Many blessings!
Contact us today!
We welcome your questions, comments and suggestions. Please feel free to reach out to us on our new "office on the go" line 678-994-2839. We are now available 24 hours a day 7 days a week to help you!
Faith Hope And Love Jesus, Inc.
P.O. Box 2493
Woodstock, GA 30188
ph: 678-994-2839 'office on the go'
alt: 678-778-0207