Faith Hope And Love Jesus, Inc.
P.O. Box 2493
Woodstock, GA 30188
ph: 678-994-2839 'office on the go'
alt: 678-778-0207
Hey Gang!
This is our Bone Marrow Donor Page which we will also call the Page of Life. We'll list information about past donor drives that we host or co-sponsor with our partners here as well as updates from Be The If you have any questions about the bone marrow donor process please don't hesitate to call or email us, so we can give you the answers you're looking for. There is also a link on the bottom of the page to our partner Be The
In 1997 Joey became a bone marrow transplant recipient after receiving a then new process called an autologous procedure. This procedure uses the patient's peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) instead of a donor after they have been purged or washed. Because Joey was an only child there was not a family match and unfortunately the donor registry has a shortage of donors especially minority registrants. That's why one of the core programs Faith Hope and Love Jesus, Inc. decided to focus on is this all-important life saving procedure.
Thank you for supporting us with this very impactful area of our mission. Join the registry today! Many blessings!
January 2013
To join the registry as a prospective bone marrow donor is very simple. How simple you ask, almost unbelievably simple. During the registration process you will be given a small packet of items which consists of a form asking information about yourself, 4 long q-tip swabs and an envelope. You begin by filling out the form, swabbing both your cheeks followed by placing your q-tips in the envelope and sealing it. That’s it you are done. No needles and no wait, just you doing your part. The whole process takes about 15 minutes.
Faith Hope and Love Jesus has a vision to educate the general public about this life saving medical advance so that bone marrow donor registration will be as commonplace as donating blood is today. Marsha has been on the registry since 1992. Unfortunately, she has never received that welcomed call that she is a match that could save a life. She looks forward to that call. Our hope is that you will too. Thousands of patients depend on bone marrow donors who can give them a chance for a cure. You have the power to save a life. You are a Swab away from saving a life. Join us. Get registered. Save a live.
September 2015, 2016 and October 2017, 2018
August 2012-2017 and October 2012-2017
April 18, 2013 Thursday from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm at
Kennesaw State University Student Center Leadership Room
We are pleased to once again partner with the Golden Key Honour Society chapter at Kennesaw State University. Our aim is to continue to raise the awareness about this profound medical advancement that is quickly becoming the leading cure for blood disorders. One of our programs is to help the bone marrow donor registration process become an every day activity to help increase the lives saved of our family and neighbors who need this procedure. Thank you to our partners Golden Key Honour Society and Be The Match. Remember you are a SWAB away from saving a life.
June 2012
Bone marrow transplants were considered experimental for breast cancer patients in the 90's when Joey received his transplant. There was a beautiful lady who visited Joey in January 1997 at UCONN during his transplant. She was also a patient, a very special one because she was the first breast cancer patient at UCONN to receive a bone marrow transplant. Joey was the first pediatric leukemia autologous bone marrow transplant at UCONN in 1997. Since then we have seen thousands of lives saved from this very profound treatment. Our hope and aim is for the bone marrow donation process to be as commonplace as giving blood. Remember you are just a SWAB away from saving a life. Join us. Save a life.
March 22, 2012 Thursday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at Kennesaw
State University Student Center Conference Room 301
Thousands of patients depend on Be The Match Registry to find a donor who can give them a chance for a cure. You have the power to save a life. You are a Swab away from saving a life. Join us. Save lives.
May 1, 2012 Update: We registered 60 new bone marrow donors at this event. Thank you to all our volunteers and sponsors: BJs, Dollar General, Dominos, Firestone, Goodyear, Jimmy Johns, Kaufman Tire, Krispy Kreme and Kroger.
Don't forget to stop by our Life Celebration and Fundraiser pages for the latest event news. Also drop in on the Director's Corner to hear from our Executive Director about upcoming projects that have not hit the home page.
Contact us today!
We welcome your questions, comments and suggestions.
Please give us a call 24 hours a day on our 'office on the go' line 678-994-2839 or send us an email at
Faith Hope And Love Jesus, Inc.
P.O. Box 2493
Woodstock, GA 30188
ph: 678-994-2839 'office on the go'
alt: 678-778-0207